

New in December 2020

Professional knowledge for teachers

Learning - Teaching - Skills

Greutmann / Saalbach / Stern (Editors)

external pageLearn more now (in German)

Kohlhammer Verlag (2020), ISBN 978-3-17-031785-7

Neuroscience and Education


Added Value of Combining Brain
Imaging and Behavioral Research

Elsbeth Stern / Roland H. Grabner / Ralph Schumacher (Editors)

Educational neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that has emerged through the improvement of brain imaging techniques and investigates human learning inside and outside of schools. In this issue, leading experts look back at the progress made within the field over the last decade, focusing on the bidirectional relationship between neuroscience and behavioral research.

Contents include:

Development of Reading Remediation for Dyslexic Individuals: Added Benefits of the Joint Consideration of Neurophysiological and Behavioral Data

A Systematic Review of the Literature Linking Neural Correlates of Feedback Processing to Learning

The Effect of a Prospected Reward on Semantic Processing: An N400 EEG Study

Proportional Reasoning: The Role of Congruity and Salience in Behavioral and Imaging Research

The Learning Brain: Neuronal Recycling and Inhibition

Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) Reflecting Feedback and Error Processing in the Context of Education

Neuroscience-Based Approaches to Teaching Students on the Autism Spectrum

Measuring Implicit Cognitive and Emotional Engagement to Better Understand Learners’ Performance in Problem Solving

Behavioral and Neural Effects of Game-Based Learning on Improving Computational Fluency With Numbers: An Optical Brain Imaging Study

Hogrefe Publishing Group (2017), ISBN 978-0-88937-485-0


Teaching for effective learning

Buch: Lernwirksam unterrichten

Profit from findings in learning research

Michael Felten / Elsbeth Stern

School meets learning research


An experienced teacher and one of the leading learning researchers talk about situations in everyday school life.

(Only available in German).

Cornelsen Verlag Berlin (2012), ISBN 978-3-589-23292-5



Big differences and their consequences
Elsbeth Stern / Aljoscha Neubauer

In their new book, renowned intelligence researchers Elsbeth Stern and Aljoscha Neubauer explain what causes differences in intelligence and ability, how intelligence can be measured, how to recognize people of above-average ability and how to foster intelligence.

(Only available in German).

DVA Verlag München (2013), ISBN 978-3-421-04533-1

Learning makes intelligent

Enlarged view: Bild zum Buch LERNEN macht intelligent

Why ability must be encouraged

Aljoscha Neubauer / Elsbeth Stern

In this book, the two researchers describe the genetic and neurobiological basis for aptitude and learning, and explain the role of social environment, which educational opportunities should be taken at which age, and what practical conclusions can be drawn and applied to learning in school and the encouragement of gifted children.

(Only available in German).

DVA Verlag München (2007), ISBN 978-3-442-15562-0

Perspectives on intelligence research

Enlarged view: Bild zum Buch Perspektiven der Intelligenzforschung

Elsbeth Stern / Jürgen Guthke

In ten essays, the psychological construct of intelligence is explored. The book is suitable not only for professionals in the field, but also for advanced students of psychology and related disciplines.

(Only available in German).

Pabst Science Publishers Verlag (2001), ISBN 3-935357-69-9

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